
package drivers

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. abstract class GremlinDriver extends IDriver

    The driver used by databases implementing Gremlin.

  2. trait IDriver extends AutoCloseable

    The interface for all methods that should be implemented by the driver's underlying database query language.

  3. trait ISchemaSafeDriver extends IDriver

    An interface that describes a driver with an underlying database that requires a defined schema.

  4. final class Neo4jDriver extends IDriver with ISchemaSafeDriver

    The driver used to connect to a remote Neo4j instance.

    The driver used to connect to a remote Neo4j instance. Once can optionally call buildSchema to add indexes for improved performance on larger graphs.

  5. final class NeptuneDriver extends GremlinDriver
  6. final case class OverflowDbDriver(storageLocation: Option[String] = Option(
    JFile.createTempFile("plume-", ".odb").getAbsolutePath
    , heapPercentageThreshold: Int = 80, serializationStatsEnabled: Boolean = false, dataFlowCacheFile: Option[Path] = Some(Paths.get("dataFlowCache.cbor")), compressDataFlowCache: Boolean = true)
    extends IDriver with Product with Serializable

    Driver to create an OverflowDB database file.

    Driver to create an OverflowDB database file.


    where the database will serialize to and deserialize from.


    the percentage of the JVM heap from when the database will begin swapping to disk.


    enables saving of serialization statistics.


    the path to the cache file where data-flow paths are saved to. If None then data flow results will not be saved.


    whether to compress the serialized data-flow cache specified at dataFlowCacheFile.

  7. final case class PayloadBody(vertices: JsonObject = JsonObject.empty, edges: JsonObject = JsonObject.empty) extends Product with Serializable

    The payload body for upserting graph data.

  8. final class TigerGraphDriver extends IDriver with ISchemaSafeDriver

    The driver used to communicate to a remote TigerGraph instance.

    The driver used to communicate to a remote TigerGraph instance. One must build a schema on the first use of the database.

  9. final class TinkerGraphDriver extends GremlinDriver

    The driver used to connect to an in-memory TinkerGraph instance.

Value Members

  1. object IDriver
  2. object Neo4jDriver
  3. object NeptuneDriver
  4. object OverflowDbDriver extends Serializable
  5. object TigerGraphDriver
